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Everything You Need to Know About Your Zodiac Sign

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  1. Aries (March 21-April 20)

    A fire sign, Aries individuals are often competitive, strong, and brave in their actions. As the first sign of the zodiac, Aries' are extremely independent and fiery in their behavior. While they are often passionate and honest, this can lead to some impulsivity and impatience on their part.

  2. Taurus (April 21-May 20)

    Taurus’ are incredibly grounded and loyal. They are often very stable and responsible but are also rather stubborn and they fear change. An earth sign, Taurus’ are usually very interested in and connected with the natural elements of the world.

  3. Gemini (May 21-June 20)

    Known as the “two-faced” sign, Geminis are extremely clever and curious, while also being very expressive and serious in a blink of an eye. While they are very adaptable, they also struggle with being indecisive. An air sign, Geminis are very grounded in communication and learning.

  4. Cancer (June 21-July 20)

    My sign! Cancers are known as the emotional sign, as they are often very observant and sentimental in their thinking and behavior. Cancers, who are a water sign, are very sympathetic and sensitive, and their loyalty to their family is extremely important. While they are imaginative and caring, they can also be very pessimistic and insecure, hiding in their “crab” shell at times.

  5. Leo (July 21-August 20)

    Leos are natural leaders, the “lion” of the pack. They are bold, passionate, and confident in themselves. While they are very loyal, Leos are also very focused on themselves, causing them to sometimes be egotistical and arrogant. A fire sign, Leos strive to be problem-solvers and to acquire new accomplishments.

  6. Virgo (August 21-September 20)

    Virgos are very analytical and thoughtful and are extremely careful of their actions. An earth sign, Virgos are very practical and hardworking. But their strong and calculating mind can also lead to shyness and criticism.

  7. Libra (September 21-October 20)

    Libras are the balanced sign, as they are extremely diplomatic. An air sign, Libras have a strong mind and are heavily reliant on others. While they aim to be fair and just in their decision-making, this can often lead to being indecisive and bowing down from possible confrontation.

  8. Scorpio (October 21-November 20)

    Scorpios are a very passionate sign--they are very intense in nature and sensitive at heart. A water sign, they are protective of themselves and their emotions. While they can be very resourceful, they can also be a bit deceptive.

  9. Sagittarius (November 21-December 20)

    Sagittarius’ are the optimistic sign, as they are very idealistic and focused heavily on their potential achievements. A fire sign, they are often enthusiastic and curious, and a natural extrovert. While they can be very excited, this can also mean they are impatient.

  10. Capricorn (December 21-January 20)

    Capricorns are very responsible and often rather serious. They approach conflict realistically and methodically and practice self-control religiously. While they can be very disciplined and structured, they can also be negative and condescending at times.

  11. Aquarius (January 21-February 20)

    Aquarius’ are often very shy and independent. An air sign, they are motivated by their alone time and enjoy seeing things from all sides. They are very progressive, but can also be very temperamental in their actions.

  12. Pisces (February 21-March 20)

    Pisces’ are very compassionate in nature--they are a sign who is often very friendly and social. A water sign, they are empathetic and generous, offering help to others and being gentle in their approach. While they are intuitive, they are also fearful and slightly gullible.

And that’s all 12 of our zodiac signs! With their specific symbols, constellations, birth flowers, and “mascots”, these signs are something that can feel very personalized. Whatever your sign may be, and no matter how aligned you truly feel with your sign, they are an incredibly interesting and fun topic with which to connect and identify.

original article posted to her campus ohio university

cover image from her campus media

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