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The Best Halloween Candy, Ranked

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Here it is. The definitive list.

While I don't eat as much candy as I did when I was a kid, the Halloween season always gets me craving some. While I am someone who enjoys chocolate-flavored candy more than the fruit-flavored kinds, I did include both types on this list as all are iconic staples to Halloween and classic trick-or-treating.

Below is the definitively ranked Halloween candy, crafted by yours truly. 

1. 100 Grand Bar

This is the best candy bar, period. It's the perfect combination of a Crunch bar and Milk Duds, and they do not get the hype they deserve. They're also amazing after being in the freezer for a bit.

2. Crunch Bar

Naturally, the Crunch Bar is second. It's amazing--great texture, classic milk chocolate taste.

3. Milk Duds

These are an amazing movie theater snack but are also great to get in the mini boxes on Halloween. They can be messy, but it's worth it.

4. Butterfinger

While the texture of this bar may not be everyone's favorite, I happen to love the flavor of a Butterfinger. Its crispy center isn't too heavy on peanut butter which makes it all the more enjoyable.

5. Reese's (all kinds)

With that being said, you can't go wrong with a Reese's cup. Sometimes, peanut butter is too overwhelming, but it's such a classic candy. Also, it's pronounced REESE-IS and not REE-SEES.

6. Kit Kat

These used to be higher on my list, but they've lost a few points over the years for me. Nonetheless, they're still amazing, and the mini versions may be better than the regular.

7. Twix

Clearly, caramel is superior to most candy. Twix is perfect in that it's a balance of crunch with the smooth chocolate and caramel.

8. Hershey's

I'm a big fan of the classics, so Hershey's is always a winner in my book. I'm much more of a dark chocolate fan, but the classic milk never fails.

9. M&Ms

M&Ms are pretty boring, but because I'm a fan of chocolate, I'm still ranking them higher than the rest below.

10. Tootsie Rolls (all kinds)

Around Halloween, the flavored Tootsie Rolls start to come back into the spotlight. While these are nothing to write home about, I do enjoy the vanilla and cherry flavored ones.

11. Snickers/Milky Way/Baby Ruth

These are all basically the same thing--they're neither amazing nor terrible. If they're left, I'll eat them, but they're never a first choice.

12. Laffy Taffy

Now we're into the fruit-flavored items. Even though half of the eating experience involves trying to get these obnoxious wrappers open, the taffy flavors make these one of my favorites in the category.

13. Sour Patch Kids

Okay, generally speaking, I'm a big fan of these. But, as far as Halloween ranking, these have to be lower on the list. Besides, there are only two really good flavors out of these.

14. AirHeads

While these are not insanely flavorful, I have always enjoyed these--especially the blue raspberry, cherry, watermelon, and mystery flavor.

15. Starbursts

These are pretty average, aside from the amazing pink flavor, which, especially in terms of the Halloween size, you may not even get.

16. Skittles

These are going low on this list because they're very deceitful. Despite their different colors and fragrances, they are all actually the exact same flavor.

17. Candy Corn

I suppose this must be added because it's iconic to Halloween. These are just okay, I'm not opposed to them, but I only really enjoy eating a few before I'm done with them completely until the following year.

18. Nerds

These are pretty irrelevant, truthfully. These are the bottom of the barrel when it comes to fruity candies.

19. Twizzlers

These are not exciting in the slightest. I want to like these so badly, but they're just not worth it.

20. Almond Joy

These have just never been good to me. Coconut is a very bold taste in this candy, and it's just not it.

21. Whoppers

Do I even need to explain this one? They practically taste like chocolate-covered cardboard. That's it.

original article posted to her campus ohio university

cover image from her campus media

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