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Recap: "The Bachelor" Episode 7 Big Moments

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*Contains Spoilers*

The episode began with the remaining six ladies arriving in Lima, Peru.

Peter had a heartfelt conversation with his mother over FaceTime regarding his continuous search for love. He expressed that last week was enlightening in that he realized his biggest fear: the women may not be on the same page as he is and not seeing a future with him.

Big moment #1: the L word

The girls received a date card--a one-on-one for Madison. Madison and Peter (who finally got his bandage removed) explored the city and went fishing on a boat. In the meantime, Kelsey spoke to the camera about Madison's religious-ness being an issue for her relationship with Peter. At the end of their date, Madison conveyed the importance of religion in marriage. Peter expressed his honesty in that he does not always celebrate his faith, but ended up telling Madison he was falling in love with her--making her first girl to whom he's told this. He offered her a rose, to which she accepted.

Big moment #2: first and last

Meanwhile, a second date card arrived for Natasha's first one-on-one. They had a cute date exploring the city and getting to know one another. After discussing their feelings for one another, Peter led viewers to believe he was going to hand Natasha the rose. However, he told her he could not give it to her and she was sent home.

Another date card arrived, this time a one-on-one for Kelsey, leaving a final three-on-one date between Victoria, Hannah Ann, and Kelley. Kelsey and Peter began their date riding four-wheelers. They had deep conversations about her relationship with her father. In the end, he offered Kelsey a rose, to which she accepted.

Big moment #3: the three-on-one

On the three-on-one date, there was a definite tension between the three girls. He spoke to each woman individually. During their time together, Hannah Ann gave Peter a very cheesy list of reasons why she's falling in love with him. Kelley, who spent the majority of the date napping and recognizing her maturity over the other women, discussed their future. Victoria and Peter had a very problematic discussion, conversing about their doubts and Victoria repeatedly pushing Peter away. At the end of the date, Peter gave the final two roses to Victoria (shockingly) and Hannah Ann, sending Kelley home. 

original article posted to her campus ohio university

cover image from pexels

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